Mom easy breast pump review

Breast pumps make the process of expressing milk easier and more comfortable for breastfeeding moms. You will not be short of choices when in the market for breastfeeding pumps. However, investing effort and time in reviewing different models can help you identify the ideal one for you. Types of Breast pumps Breast pumps can be categorized into two main types; Manual breast pumps and electric breast pumps. In the case of manual breast pumps, you rely on the lever to express milk. Pressing the…

What Are the Types of Baby Rocker

What Are the Types of Baby Rocker There is no better feeling for any parent than having a calm, happy baby. This is especially beneficial when you need to handle a task or two in your home. Some of these tasks will demand that you go hands-free and this is where a baby rocker becomes an essential addition. Why do you require a baby rocker? There is a difference between baby rockers, bouncers, and swings. Each of them comes with different features. While it…

Where to Buy Baby Clothes in Kenya

When to purchase baby clothes in kenya Are you expecting a new born? Are you looking for the ideal gift to carry while attending a baby shower? or a shop to buy baby clothes in kenya? It is always exciting to take part in preparing for a newborn. There are plenty of items that one will have on their list when purchasing baby stuff. However, baby clothes are part of the items that one cannot overlook when preparing for a newborn. It is never…

What Are the Types of Baby Carrier

Baby carriers are beneficial, not only to the parent, but also to the baby. A baby carrier ensures that one can move with ease while carrying their kid. Whether you are going shopping, using public transportation, handling house chores or making a meal for your child, you can carry them with ease with the right baby carrier. For the kids, a baby carrier brings them close to their caregiver, and the heartbeat and warmth they enjoy while being carried around is soothing. This helps…


Baby Pacifier – How To Choose The Best Pacifier For A Baby

How To Choose The Best Baby Pacifier For A Baby In recent times, there is an increase in the number of moms looking to buy a Baby Pacifier. This can be attributed to the many benefits that the best pacifiers offer to the kids. In this post, we will offer tips for moms in the market to find the best one for their children. Newborns usually have strong sucking reflexes. There are babies that even such fingers or thumbs even before they are born.…

Baby Shop Kasarani – Essential Baby Accessories Available At Our Kasarani Branch

Millan Baby Shop Kasarani Branch Are you looking for the best baby shop around Kasarani? Millan Baby Shop Kasarani we are the right place. When one is expecting a newborn, there is a need to plan ahead. One needs to keep in mind every little aspect of a newborn baby. One not only needs baby clothing for the newborn, but it is also vital to purchase necessary clothing for maternity as well as nursing. Apart from purchasing clothing, there are other vital accessories that…

What are Nipple Shields

Breastfeeding is, without a doubt, a very crucial part of parenting. Breastmilk contains a lot of nutrients that a child needs to grow healthy. The process should be hassle-free for both the mother and the child. There are different ways to achieve this goal, and one such option is the use of nipple shields when breastfeeding. What is a nipple shield? Nipple shields are thin silicon devices that are designed to be worn over your nipple when breastfeeding. The nipple shields are flexible and…

Different Types Of Breast Pumps

Breast pumps are an essential addition for any mum who looks to express milk to benefit their child. They help you to extract milk which can is later stored in breast milk storage bags. Parts Of The Breast Pumps Various types of breast pumps come with three main parts. Breast shield: this is a cone-shaped cup that fits over the nipple as well as the circular area around the nipple. It helps with stimulation when one is looking to express milk. Pump: The main…

breast milk storage

What Are Breast Milk Storage Bags And Why You Need Them

What Are Breast Milk Storage Bags And Why You Need Them Breastfeeding is considered the healthiest way for feeding your child. There are plenty of nutrients beneficial for the child, and breastfeeding gives them the best start in this article we are going to understand what are the use of breast milk storage bags. Reasons To Collect And Refrigerate Breast Milk There are a variety of reasons for women to express breast milk. When you correctly express the milk, you can freeze and…

Useful Tips on Refrigerating Breast Milk

Reasons to express and store breast milk  At some point, any mother might be required to pump or express breast milk for their kid. This will happen when one doesn’t need to use their milk right away. In a case where one will leave their kids with the nanny during the day, collecting breast milk ensures that your child continues to enjoy the health benefits that come with breast milk. One might also need to pump breastmilk when they have a premature baby. It…


Pacifiers – Everything You Need To Know

A pacifier is a nipple substitute that a baby can suckle on when they are in distress or between feedings. The decision to use one or not is entirely up to the mom. Babies should start using pacifiers after around four weeks when they have already mastered how to breastfeed. So, should you introduce your baby to one? We look at the pros and cons of using a pacifier below. Advantages   Soothes the baby A pacifier is a quick way to calm a…


Colic In Babies – Signs And Symptoms

Colic has been defined as frequent, prolonged, and intense crying or fussiness in a healthy infant. A lot of research has been done to find the cause but no straight answer exists. This article is here to show you how to read the signs and symptoms and how to handle colic. Colic starts mostly when the baby is around 3 weeks old and can go on up to when they are 3 or 4 months old. It is perfectly normal for babies to experience…