Benefits of Using a Nursing Pillow

Benefits of Using a Nursing Pillow The arrival of new baby is usually filled with happiness, excitement, and nervousness. New mothers, proud, happy, and exhausted after delivery, will be expected to start breastfeeding soon. The first milk secreted at the time of birth, called colostrum, is extremely good for the baby’s health.There are many items that help mothers with the feeding of their newborn baby. Some of them are well known and widely used, such as the breast pump.However, not many moms are aware…

Trimming your baby’s nails

Here are the steps you’ll take to trim your baby’s nails 1. Give Your Baby a Bath Nails are at their softest right after a bath. That means it’s the perfect time to cut them right after you get your baby dressed after their bath. 2. Shed Some Light on the Situation Make sure you have enough bright light to see what you’re doing. Trim those nails by a window using natural light or do it with a flashlight pointing at your baby’s fingers. 3. Use…

Baby Teething ~ What you Need to Know

Baby Teething ~ What you Need to Know Does it look like your baby will be cutting their first tooth soon? Are you noticing a change in their temperament and wondering what else you can expect to happen?Nothing can fill a mom with so much sadness and happiness simultaneously as seeing their baby reach that milestone of getting their first tooth. It makes you excited to reach the next stage of their development, but it also breaks your heart knowing you won’t see that…

Buying A Toothbrush For A Child?

Toddlers are pretty easy to please. They like anything that looks cool or electronics of any kind. But even more than that, you need to pay attention to how a toothbrush will feel because if it’s painful in any way, you’ll have a fight on your hands when you try to convince your toddler to brush their teeth again.Here are some of the things you should pay attention to when you are toothbrush shopping for your child. Look For Soft Bristles: You don’t want this…