Buying counterfeit products can put both you and your baby in harm’s way. Establishing the authenticity of a product before you buy it will ensure that you are both protected. With the rise of online shopping, you need to be extra careful when purchasing products online. We have come up with a list of guidelines to check for when shopping from a mother and baby shop online.
How to spot fake products online
Know the product you intend to buy
If you don’t know the product you want to purchase, it is easy to fall victim to counterfeit products. Do your own research and find out how the product looks and how it works. Then, find out if that is what is offered by the mother and baby shop online. Some manufacturers also list companies they have authorized to sell their goods and you can confirm from their website who the resellers are. When you receive your product, inspect the packaging to see if it looks genuine. Counterfeiters will use cheap materials and leave out important details.
If the price is too good, think twice
If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Do not fall prey to companies that sell fake products because of the promise of a discount. It is better to buy a genuine product that will serve you for a long time than to buy one that will harm you or your baby.
Read the reviews
You are likely to make a wise decision if you take into account the reviews of other people on the products a mother and baby shop online is offering. Parents are bound to comment on the safety of a product if it harms their baby. Be keen when looking at reviews keeping in mind that they too can be fake.
Do a bit of digging
Find out more about the company that you intend to buy from. Do they have contact information that you can use to reach out to them? Do they pick your calls or respond to email? Do they have a physical location that you can visit in case you need to verify something?
We offer genuine mother and baby products that you can buy online. We take your safety and that of your child seriously and offer the best products for both of you.
By Beth Mugo