Tips First Time Mum

In the hospital you have lots of help—nurses, lactation consultants and doctors—all at your beck and call. Then comes the time to take your little one home. You’ve read the “must-have” books, subscribed to on-line baby websites and parenting blogs and spent many evenings on the phone with your own mom. Think you’re prepared? Think again. Here are a few important tips parents tell me they wish they had been told about the first few weeks at home with their newborn. Sleep Everyone tells…

Tips for Choosing Baby Girl Clothes

While choosing baby girl clothes, parents really have a variety of choices but challenge come while choosing what you really have to buy compared to what you really need. Whether you are buying a gift for someone or an outfit for your own daughter, you should not have any challenge in finding that perfect outfit.  Quality Clothes for baby girls are adorable with all of those ribbons, ruffles, headbands. The downside is that those same pieces can fall off or tear more easily than…

Your First Days With Baby

The first few days and weeks with your new baby may feel like a whirlwind. You may still be recovering from childbirth. You may have a mix of emotions that lasts throughout the newborn phase. The newborn phase lasts for the first two months of your baby’s life. As you navigate through these early months, remember that having a newborn is a big adjustment for everyone. You’ll want to introduce a baby into your family and home slowly. For the first few months, it’s better…

Checklist: What to pack in your diaper bag

A well-stocked diaper bag can save the day. But what do you really need in there? It depends on how old your child is, how long you’ll be out, where you’re going, and how prepared you like to be. To see a list of the basics and some new ideas, check out our. The essentials Diapers One for each hour you’ll be out, plus a few extra – just in case. Wipes You can stick ten or so in a plastic bag if you’re…

Step by step: How to bathe your baby

1. Gather all your bath supplies (including mild soap, a washcloth, and a plastic cup), and lay out a towel, a clean diaper, and clothes. Make sure the room is comfortably warm so your baby doesn’t get chilled.2. Fill the tub with about 3 inches of water that feels warm, but not hot, to the inside of your wrist – about 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius) or a few degrees warmer.3. Bring your baby to the bath area and undress her completely. (TIP:…

Benefits of Using a Nursing Pillow

Benefits of Using a Nursing Pillow The arrival of new baby is usually filled with happiness, excitement, and nervousness. New mothers, proud, happy, and exhausted after delivery, will be expected to start breastfeeding soon. The first milk secreted at the time of birth, called colostrum, is extremely good for the baby’s health.There are many items that help mothers with the feeding of their newborn baby. Some of them are well known and widely used, such as the breast pump.However, not many moms are aware…

Co-Sleeping, Bed-Sharing, And Room-Sharing – What’s Best For Baby?

o-Sleeping, Bed-Sharing, And Room-Sharing — What’s Best For Baby?Are you having separation anxiety at the thought of your baby being out of your sight? Are you worried about that dangers that could befall your bundle of joy during sleep?Many moms feel unsettled or downright panicky at the thought of their baby sleeping in a different room from them. That’s only natural — your baby has slept with you for the past nine months. By now, it’s a habit.But before you decide upon your baby’s…